No Diggity

Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Cause I got the key to the city
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Can we go somewhere and get busy?
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
You're lookin kinda pretty
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Can I get close to the kitty?
Didn't Coolio change his name? El Cool Magnifico? Magnifiso? El Coolio Magnifico? When I was eleven he was so hard core. I used to daydream about living on the Esplanade (near the Spaghetti Factory) and livin' the gangsta life. Don't laugh, I'm being serious.
I can't help it. My parents kept me sheltered. I had to hide in my closet to listen to my TLC crazy sexy cool cd (probably the second disc I ever bought) and the Simpsons was reserved for visits to granny's or when my brother was babysitting.
The first cd I ever bought was Ace of Base - The Sign. I was introduced to their infectious beats by a churcy mcgee who couldn't go out for halloween. We would rush back to her house after school to sit in her room and listen to "The Sign". She had an older sister who was so cool. She went to highschool, had a boyfriend and got her... gasp... period. My mom hated Ace of Base. She thought "All That She Wants" was about getting pregnant. I can still vividly remember my brother and I convincing her that it was about a boy. I used to think that "Wheel of Fortune" was infact about the gameshow.
It's as hot as a flapjack outside... and I'm wearing my "nifty pants". I'm starting to look like I just walked out of a music video. A JoJo video, but still, a video.
Well, it's official. I got my letter from the UofG yesterday telling me they are finally going to let me go. And (!!!) with disctinction. Or... as the letter said WITH DISTINCTION. That was the only part of the letter that was in bold. It's like they were screaming it.
And so the hunt for an outfiit commences. My grandmother wanted to argue about that too. And even though I will be wearing a robe I still have this great fear that someone else will show up in the same outfit. And so... I will venture to Richmond Row and pay an excessive amount for something I will probably never wear again. On second thought... maybe I should buy something a little more Paris Hilton, a little less JoJo and wear it again in the Fall.
I asked for a new cell phone for graduation. Every good rockstar can't be seen with the Walmart special.
I have a bigger graduation fear though... the roomate. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to blog about her am I.
Fuck it.
If I never have to see her again it will be too soon. I literally want her to think that I dropped off the face of the earth. I plan on giving my parents strict instructions that should her or her family be spotted that no words shall be spoken of my future plans. I was so relieved when our last phone billl arrived and was only $4... means I don't have to contact her to send me cash.
She doesn't deserve to have any further contact wtih me. As I was driving back to London last night I contemplated why I wasn't even tempted to cry. I cried every single time I drove back to Guelph. So what was missing from this new equation? Her.
Okay, thats it. No more talk of her. She makes my brain hurt.
I think my grandma washed my sheets in regular detergent. I'm so itchy!

Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Cause I got the key to the city
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Can we go somewhere and get busy?
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
You're lookin kinda pretty
Ooh la la doo-wa-diddy (Woo-woo!)
Can I get close to the kitty?
Didn't Coolio change his name? El Cool Magnifico? Magnifiso? El Coolio Magnifico? When I was eleven he was so hard core. I used to daydream about living on the Esplanade (near the Spaghetti Factory) and livin' the gangsta life. Don't laugh, I'm being serious.
I can't help it. My parents kept me sheltered. I had to hide in my closet to listen to my TLC crazy sexy cool cd (probably the second disc I ever bought) and the Simpsons was reserved for visits to granny's or when my brother was babysitting.
The first cd I ever bought was Ace of Base - The Sign. I was introduced to their infectious beats by a churcy mcgee who couldn't go out for halloween. We would rush back to her house after school to sit in her room and listen to "The Sign". She had an older sister who was so cool. She went to highschool, had a boyfriend and got her... gasp... period. My mom hated Ace of Base. She thought "All That She Wants" was about getting pregnant. I can still vividly remember my brother and I convincing her that it was about a boy. I used to think that "Wheel of Fortune" was infact about the gameshow.
It's as hot as a flapjack outside... and I'm wearing my "nifty pants". I'm starting to look like I just walked out of a music video. A JoJo video, but still, a video.
Well, it's official. I got my letter from the UofG yesterday telling me they are finally going to let me go. And (!!!) with disctinction. Or... as the letter said WITH DISTINCTION. That was the only part of the letter that was in bold. It's like they were screaming it.
And so the hunt for an outfiit commences. My grandmother wanted to argue about that too. And even though I will be wearing a robe I still have this great fear that someone else will show up in the same outfit. And so... I will venture to Richmond Row and pay an excessive amount for something I will probably never wear again. On second thought... maybe I should buy something a little more Paris Hilton, a little less JoJo and wear it again in the Fall.
I asked for a new cell phone for graduation. Every good rockstar can't be seen with the Walmart special.
I have a bigger graduation fear though... the roomate. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to blog about her am I.
Fuck it.
If I never have to see her again it will be too soon. I literally want her to think that I dropped off the face of the earth. I plan on giving my parents strict instructions that should her or her family be spotted that no words shall be spoken of my future plans. I was so relieved when our last phone billl arrived and was only $4... means I don't have to contact her to send me cash.
She doesn't deserve to have any further contact wtih me. As I was driving back to London last night I contemplated why I wasn't even tempted to cry. I cried every single time I drove back to Guelph. So what was missing from this new equation? Her.
Okay, thats it. No more talk of her. She makes my brain hurt.
I think my grandma washed my sheets in regular detergent. I'm so itchy!