Friday, November 03, 2006


There's a woman inside of all of us
Who never quite seems to get enough
Tryin' to play by the rules is rough
Cause sooner or later something's gonna erupt us cause

I still got the nasty in me
Still got that dirty degree
And if you want some more, sexy
Still got that freak in me

Lately I feel like, possibly by the force of something higher, I'm getting a second chance.

But then I realise that maybe its me, maybe its me who's given myself another chance to make life... work.

A second chance to do everything I always wanted to but never thought I could. A chance to go back and do another degree over. A chance to get 85% over four years, to join student council, to run a race, to live on my own, to really and truly appreciate every moment and take it all in. To realise that this is everything I wanted the first time around and didn't.

And as wierd as this may sound, i feel like finally im doing something for ten years ago me. I'm sorry ten years ago me, i'm sorry I ever told you that you couldn't and i'm sorry I told you that you never would. I was wrong.

and now i'm going to make you proud.