Saturday, February 27, 2010


We are undercover passion on the run
Chasing love up against the sun
We are strangers by day, lovers by night
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right

I've got something that I must tell
Last night someone rang our doorbell
And it was not you my part-time lover

And then a man called our exchange
But didn't want to leave his name
I guess that two can play the game
Of part-time lovers
You and me, part-time lovers
But, she and he, part-time lovers

Live in the moment he tells me. Live for the now her persists.

But is the me in the now the me that would do this kind of thing?

I don't know.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Who'll Stop The Rain?

I never dreamed I could cry so hard
That ain't like a man
I could fly like a bird some days
Had a place where I could land
I could have sworn we were all locked in
Ain't that what you said
I never knew it could hurt so bad
When the power of love is dead
But giving into the nighttime
Ain't no cure for the pain
You gotta wade into the water
You gotta learn to live again

My birthday looms over me.

So does a job loss and a dead end street.

Couldn't we pretend it'll never come.

Couldn't we pretend I never have to turn older again.

Another year, another unhappy birthday to me.

17 days 'till the worst day of them all.