Monday, May 15, 2006

What's My Name?

I'm so lost.

Suddenly Guelph doesn't feel as bad as it used to.

My first day here and I swear everyone looks like they just stepped out of a music video.

I used to be cool at my old school, I swear!

People here wear Abercrombie and have cool backpacks. Everyone does wear purple. And I'm wearing pink.

Do I really have to wear a skirt on Wednesday?

People wear their backpacks on one shoulder, do I have to wear my backpack on one shoulder?

Last night on my drive into London I took Wellington Road. I drove through downtown listening to "Waterloo!" by ABBA. I looked at all the downtown appartment buildings hopefully. It was exciting. Living in a new place... downtown... near a Starbucks.

Then I came to school this morning. At my old school a parking pass was just a parking pass. At Western a parking pass is some crazy little computer that talks to some other crazy little computer at the entrance to the parking lot to make the gate go up. What's with that?

At my old school the internet worked everywhere in the Student Centre. At my new school the internet only works in certain areas. And you just have to magically know where those areas are.

At my old school there were no boys.

At my old school I knew where to go and who to see. At my new school I find myself having flashbacks to that time when I got lost in the Bay.

But at my new school there is no one to ask to page my mum to come and get me. I have officially turned into a twenty-three year old baby.

I wonder if they can smell my stupidity.

I could really go for a coffee right now... but at my old school I had a meal card. At my new school the meal card place isn't even open.

0 pieces added to my puzzle:

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