Confessions, Pt.2

You drew a picture of my morning
But you couldn't make my day, Hey!
I'm rockin' and you're yawning
But you never look my way, Hey!
I'm lickin down you darlin'
In every single way, Hey!
Your funny flow is foreign
And a green card's on the way!
What are the chances that two anatomy partners, from the same school, find themselvse in partners again in an anatomy class at a new school?
Apparently pretty good.
AL's in my human anatomy class.
This would also be a good time to tell you that we do not in fact cut up any humans in this human anatomy class. What? Exactly.
But on the plus side my proffessor is kinda cute. More cute than D... and probalby less of a COMPLETE asshole. Maybe his wife is a nurse.
So there we sat, us three Guelphians, who found each other in a sea of Mustangs. As much as I find relief in the comfort of the familiar, I would much rather make new friends. Not that me and these girls were ever friends to begin with. But, you know what I mean.
So far today I have even seen a pregnant girl that looked like she was just walking off the set of Paris Hilton's newest "music" video. Maybe I need some new clothes. I think I'll start with the backpack.
Mmm cute boy alert. Smoking. Yes. But I can deal. I dated a smoker once. A psycho smoker... but yet I still find the smell comforting.
We didn't have boys at my old school.
Anyway. Anatomy was rather dull. Oh. Except for this whole "clicker" thing. Don't worry I am as confused as you. From what I hear its UWO's version of "ask the audience" on Millionaire. Or maybe Judge Joe Brown's ask the audience. Either way I am still lost. I feel like my last four years were spent in the stone-age. Maybe thats what was wrong wtih Prof.P... he was a dinosaur.
At my old school we only had wireless internet in the library, the UC and the OVC cafeteria... oh and Creelman. Here I can check my email and chat with friends in class.
Well, as much as I would love to babble on for hours... I should really go learn how to write a literature review. It's about time I learn. (Can you feel my eyes rolling??)

You drew a picture of my morning
But you couldn't make my day, Hey!
I'm rockin' and you're yawning
But you never look my way, Hey!
I'm lickin down you darlin'
In every single way, Hey!
Your funny flow is foreign
And a green card's on the way!
What are the chances that two anatomy partners, from the same school, find themselvse in partners again in an anatomy class at a new school?
Apparently pretty good.
AL's in my human anatomy class.
This would also be a good time to tell you that we do not in fact cut up any humans in this human anatomy class. What? Exactly.
But on the plus side my proffessor is kinda cute. More cute than D... and probalby less of a COMPLETE asshole. Maybe his wife is a nurse.
So there we sat, us three Guelphians, who found each other in a sea of Mustangs. As much as I find relief in the comfort of the familiar, I would much rather make new friends. Not that me and these girls were ever friends to begin with. But, you know what I mean.
So far today I have even seen a pregnant girl that looked like she was just walking off the set of Paris Hilton's newest "music" video. Maybe I need some new clothes. I think I'll start with the backpack.
Mmm cute boy alert. Smoking. Yes. But I can deal. I dated a smoker once. A psycho smoker... but yet I still find the smell comforting.
We didn't have boys at my old school.
Anyway. Anatomy was rather dull. Oh. Except for this whole "clicker" thing. Don't worry I am as confused as you. From what I hear its UWO's version of "ask the audience" on Millionaire. Or maybe Judge Joe Brown's ask the audience. Either way I am still lost. I feel like my last four years were spent in the stone-age. Maybe thats what was wrong wtih Prof.P... he was a dinosaur.
At my old school we only had wireless internet in the library, the UC and the OVC cafeteria... oh and Creelman. Here I can check my email and chat with friends in class.
Well, as much as I would love to babble on for hours... I should really go learn how to write a literature review. It's about time I learn. (Can you feel my eyes rolling??)
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