Saturday, October 21, 2006

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Oh the sound of the wind throught my bones makes me laugh
at all the bodies I kissed and never knew
Oh the soung of a lover's sympathy falling down to the floor
just barely out of reach from me
No I will not go back
every word thats been hiding inside of my head is running blindly
look behind me nothing's left

6 weeks and nothing is ever going to be the same
6 weeks and i have changed so much, it makes me sad.

6 weeks made me popular, 6 weeks made me chosen, 6 weeks made my soul, feel so, old.

6 weeks made me wish i could go back 6 years.

Who ever knew it was possible to spend so much time with so many people and still feel so, alone.

Like no one is ever going to understand what I go through. No one is ever going to get what its like to be like me.

If I could make the world stop I would. Please just wait for me, I'm still coming. Please just wait.

People get cancer and everyone knows. Everyone tells them how great they are. They wear ribbons and run for them. They honor them.

But cancer doesn't last forever.

I do.

And no one wants to celebrate me. And how hard it is to breathe. How hard it is to wake up in the morning, how hard it is to get dressed, to do my hair, to put on makeup, to eat breakfast.

How hard it is to have fun. I don't want to be like this forever. I don't want to be like this tomorrow.

But if I can't be here for me, then no one else will. Sometimes I don't want to be strong, I want someone else to be strong for me.

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